Refereed Journal Papers

[J32]   Klingaman, J., Wham, B.P., Dixon, P., Dashti, S. (2024). External loading-induced deformations of deteriorated pipelines rehabilitated with internal replacement technologies. Tunneling and Underground Space Technology, 157(March), 106272.

[J31]   Toprak+, S., Wham, B.P., Nacaroglu, E., Ceylan, M., & Dal, O. (2024). Performance of Water Supply During the February 6th Kahramanmaraş Earthquakes. Earthquake Spectra.

[J30]   Rose+, H.R., Whamπ, B.P., Banushi, G. (2024). Soil–Pipeline Interaction of Hybrid-Segmented Systems under Axial Ground Movement. ASCE Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice, 16(1), 1–13.

[J29]   Tien+, T.C.M., Manalo, A., Dixon, P., Karunasena, W., Ahmadi, H., Kiriella, S., Salah, A., & Whamπ, B.P. (2024). Investigation of Debonding Effect in Internal Replacement Pipe System Under Lateral Loading. Applied Sciences, 14(22), 10509.

[J28]   Kiriella, S., Manalo, A., Tien, C.M.T., Ahmadi+, H., Karunasena, W., Dixon, P.G., Salah, A., & Whamπ, B.P. (2024). "Effect of internal pressure on the flexural fatigue behaviour of trenchless internal replacement pipe systems". Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 154(September), 106111.

[J27]   Rose, H.R., Wham, B.P., Liel, A.B., & Dashti, S. (2024). "Centrifuge Model Design for Axially Loaded Structures under Large Ground Movements". Geotechnical Testing Journal, 47(5), 1045–1064.

[J26]   Toprak, S., Wham, B.P., Nacaroglu, E., Ceylan, M., Dal, O., & Senturk, A.E. (2024). "Impact of Seismic Geohazards on Water Supply Systems and Pipeline Performance : Insights from the 2023 Kahramanmaras Earthquakes". Engineering Geology, 340, 107681.

[J25]   Ahmadi, H., Salah, A., Manalo, A., Dixon, P.G., Karunasena, W., Tien, C.M.T., Kiriella, S., O’Rourke, T.D., & Whamπ, B.P. (2024). "Linear and nonlinear axial behaviour of internal replacement pipe systems for pipeline rehabilitation". Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, (May), 1–33.

[J24]   Bessette, C., Brito, L., Dashti, S., Liel, A.B., & Wham, B.P. (2024). "Development of dynamic centrifuge models for measurement and visualization of deformation mechanisms in liquefiable soils". Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 181(Sept. 2023), 108651.

[J23]   Ahmadi, H., Manalo, A., Dixon, P.G., Salah, A., Karunasena, W., Tien, C.M.T., Kiriella, S., O’Rourke, T.D. & Whamπ, B.P. (2024). "Temperature change-induced linear and nonlinear axial responses of internal replacement pipe (IRP) systems for pipeline rehabilitation incorporating the effects of soil friction". Structures. 62(March), 106247.

[J22+] Rose, H.R., Wham, B.P., Dashti, S., & Liel, A.B. (2024). Axial resistance of pipelines with enlarged joints. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering. ASCE [Awarded Editor’s Choice].

[J21]   Kiriella, S., Manalo, A., Tien, C.M.T., Ahmadi, H., Dixon, P.G., Karunasena, W., Salah, A., & Wham, B.P. (2024). Bending fatigue behaviour of internal replacement pipe systems. Composite Structures, 331, 117910.

[J20]   Madabhushi, S.S.C., Hruby, J., & Wham, B.P. (2023). Experimentally investigating the influence of changing payload stiffness on outer loop iterative learning control strategies with shaking table tests. Journal of Vibration and Control.

[J19]   Kiriella, S., Manalo, A., Tien, C.M.T., Ahmadi, H., Wham, B.P., Salah, A., Tafsirojjaman, T., Karunasena, W., Dixon, P., O’Rourke, T.D., (2023). Lateral deformation behaviour of structural internal replacement pipe repair systems. Compos. Struct. 319, 117144.

[J18]   Metz, A.J., Fischer, E.C.,& Wham, B.P. (2023). Behavior of Service Lateral Pipes during Wildfires: Testing Methodologies and Impact on Drinking Water Contamination. ACS ES&T Water.

[J17]   Whelton+, A.J., Seidel, C., Wham, B.P., Fischer, E.C., Isaacson, K., Jankowski, C., MacArthur, N., McKenna, E. Ley, C. (2023). "The Marshall Fire: Scientific and Policy Needs for Water System Disaster Response". AWWA Water Science. 5(1), 1–21. access)

[J16]   Dixon, P., Tafsirojjaman, T., Klingaman, J., Hubler, M.H., Dashti, S., O’Rourke, T.D., Farrag, K., Manalo, A., & Wham, B.P. (2023). “State-of-the-art Review of Performance Objectives for Legacy Gas Pipelines with Pipe-in-Pipe Rehabilitation Technologies” Journal of Pipeline Systems and Engineering Practice, 14(2), 1–13.

[J15]   Tien, C.M.T, Manalo, A., Kiriella, S., Karunasena, W., Dixon, P., & Wham, B.P.(2023). “Effects of the legacy pipe ends on the behaviour of pipe-in-pipe repair systems under internal pressure” Engineering Failure Analysis, 144(Nov. 2022), 106957.

[J14]   Tafsirojjaman, T., Manalo, A., Tri Tien, C.M., Wham, B.P., Salah, A., Kiriella, S., Karunasena, W., Dixon, P. (2022). “Analysis of failure modes in pipe-in-pipe repair systems for water and gas pipelines” Engineering Failure Analysis, 140(June), 106510.

[J13]   Richter, E.G., Metz, A., Fischer, E.C., Wham, B.P. (2022). Simulation of Heat Transfer Through Soil for the Investigation of Wildfire Impacts on Buried Pipelines. Fire Technology, 58(4), 1889-1915.

[J12+] Banushi, G. & Wham, B.P. (2021). Deformation Capacity of Buried Hybrid-Segmented Pipelines under Longitudinal Permanent Ground Deformation. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, cgj-2020-0049.  [+Awarded Editor’s Choice: free download]

[J11]   Tiznado, J.C., Dashti, S., Ledezma, C. Wham, B.P. & Badanagki, M. (2020). Performance of Embankments on Liquefiable Soils Improved with Dense Granular Columns: Observations from Case Histories and Centrifuge Experiments. ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 146(9), 04020073. 10.1061/(ASCE)GT.1943-5606.0002309.

[J10]  Wham, B.P., & Davis, C.A. (2019). Buried Continuous and Segmented Pipelines Subjected to Longitudinal Permanent Ground Deformation. ASCE Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice, Vol.10(4). 10.1061/(ASCE)PS.1949-1204.0000400.

[J9]    Lin, T.H., Wu, Y., Soga, K., Wham, B.P., Pariya-Ekkasut, C., Berger, B., O’Rourke, T.D. (2019). Buried Wireless Sensor Networks for Monitoring Pipeline Joint Leakage Caused by Large Ground Movements. ASCE Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice. Vol.10(4). 10.1061/(ASCE)PS.1949-1204.0000392.  

[J8]    Argyrou, C., O’Rourke, T. D., Stewart, H.E., Wham, B.P. (2019). Large-Scale Fault Rupture Tests on Pipelines Reinforced with Cured-In-Place Linings. ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering. Vol.145(3). 10.1061/(ASCE)GT.1943-5606.0002018.

[J7]    Kayen, R., Kokusho, T., Hazarika, H., Dashti, S., Calderon, J.R., Franke, K., Oettle, N.K., Wham, B.P., Louis-Kayen G.P., Sitar, R., & Louis-Kayen, N.M. (2018). Geotechnical extreme-event reconnaissance (GEER) investigation to the 2016 Mw 6.0, M w 6.2 and M w 7.0 Kumamoto Japan Earthquakes. Lowland Technology Intl. Journal: Special Ed. on 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake. Vol.19(4), 267-274.

[J6]    Wham, B.P., Dashti, S., Franke, K.W, Kayen, R., Oettle, N.K. (2017). Water Supply Damage Caused by the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake. Lowland Technology Intl. Journal: Special Ed. on 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake. Vol.19(3), 165-174.

[J5]    Wham, B.P., Argyrou, C., O’Rourke, T.D. (2017). Jointed Pipeline Response to Tunneling Induced Ground Deformation. Canadian Geotechnical Journal: Special Issue on Pipeline Geotechnics. Vol.53(11). 10.1139/cgj-2016-0054.

[J4+]    Wham, B.P., Argyrou, C., O’Rourke, T.D., Stewart, H.E., Bond, T.K. (2017) PVCO Pipeline Performance Under Large Ground Deformation. ASME Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology. Vol.139(1). 10.1115/1.4033939  [+recipient of 2017 G.E.O Widera Literature Award for Outstanding Technical Paper]

[J3]    Kayen, R., Dashti, S., Kokusho, T., Hazarika, H., Franke, K., Oettle, N.K., Wham, B.P., Calderon, J.R. (2016). GEER Reconnaissance of the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquakes. JSCE Journal of Disaster FactSheets. FS2016-E-0007

[J2]    Wham, B.P., & O’Rourke, T.D. (2015). Jointed Pipeline Response to Large Ground Deformation. ASCE Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice. Vol.7(1). 10.1061/(ASCE)PS.1949-1204.0000207

[J1]    Zhong, Z., Aref. A., Bouziou, D., Wham, B.P., Filiatrault, A., O'Rourke, T. D., Stewart, H. E. (2014). Seismic Testing of Critical Lifelines Rehabilitated with Cured in Place Pipeline Lining Technology. Journal of Earthquake Engineering. Vol.18(6). 10.1080/13632469.2014.916632

Refereed Conference Proceedings

[C55]  Madabhushi+, S.S.C., Wham, B.P., Dashti, S., & Pak, R.Y.S. (2024). "Practical Applications for Geotechnical Centrifuge Testing: Past Projects and Future Opportunities at the University of Colorado Boulder". In Rocky Mountain Geo-Conference 2024 (pp. 139–151). Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers.

[C54]  Ramos, J.L., Abrahamse, S., Ihnotic, C., & Wham, B.P. (2024). "Biaxial Loading of Jointed Thermoplastic Pipelines for Seismic Assessment". Proc. Pipelines 2024 (Vol. 4, pp. 585–594). Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers.

[C53]  Senji, S., Pawaskar, D., Dixon, Ihnotic, C., P.G., Dashti, S. O’Rourke, T.D., & Wham , B.P. (2024). "Experimental Investigation on Mechanical Response  of Rehabilitated Pipelines Under Cyclic Axial Deformation". Proc., Pipelines 2024 (pp. 282–291). Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers.

[C52]  Davis, C.A., Hirayama, N., O’Rourke, T.D., Miyajima, M., Soga, K., Tobita, T., Ziotopoulou, K., Maruyama, Y., & Wham, B.P. (2024). "A Process and Matrix for Utilizing Hazard-Resilient Pipelines". Proc. Pipelines 2024 (pp. 551–560). Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers.

[C51]  Toprak, S., Wham, B.P., Nacaroglu, E., Ceylan, M., Dal, O., & Senturk, A.E. (2024). "The Effects of February 6, 2023 Kahramanmaras Earthquakes on Pipelines". In 18th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (pp. 1–11). Milan, Italy. 30 Jun- 5 Jul.

[C50]  Brito, L., Bessette, C., Dashti, S., Liel, A.B., & Wham, B.P. (2024). "Efficiency and Sufficiency of Ground Motion Intensity Measures in Predicting Ejecta Potential and Peak Pore Pressures". In 8th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering. Osaka, Japan. May 7-10.Japanese Geotechnical Society Special Publication, 10(22), v10.OS-11-01.

[C49]  Senji, S., Dixon*, P.G., Dashti, S. & Wham , B.P. (2024). "Comparative Analysis of Load-Deflection Behavior and Crack Sizes in Repaired Pipe Specimens". Proc. NASTT 2024 No-Dig Show (pp.1-10). Providence, RI. 18 Apr. North American Society for Trenchless Technology. WM-T4-04.  

[C48]  Kiriella, S., Manalo, A., Tien, C.M.T., Karunasena, W., Ahmadi, H., Salah, A., Dixon, P., & Wham, B.P..(2023). "A simplified theoretical prediction of vertical bending behaviour of structural pipe repair systems". In No-Dig Down Under (pp. 1–10). Brisbane, Australia. 14 Sept. Australian Society of Trenchless Technologies.

[C47]  Ramos, J.L., Berty, N., Ihnotic, C., & Wham, B.P. (2023). "Compressive Failure Mechanisms of Thermoplastic Pipeline Systems in Response to Seismically Representative Compressive Loading". Proc. Pipelines 2023 (pp. 373–381). Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers.

[C46]  Dixon, P.G., Salah, A., Ahmadi, H., Ulrich, M.E., Hubler, M.H., Dashti, S., O’Rourke, T.D., Manalo, A., & Wham, B.P. (2023). "An Analytical Approach for Thermally Induced Axial Deformation in Rehabilitated Pipelines". Proc. Pipelines 2023 (pp. 260–269). Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers.

[C45]  Dixon, P.G., Wang, Y., O’Rourke, T.D., Hubler, M.H., & Wham, B.P. (2023). "Full-scale Tests of Steel and Legacy Cast Iron Pipe with Pipe- in-pipe Repairs". Proc. NASTT 2023 No-Dig Show. North American Society for Trenchless Technology. Portland, OR, 30 Apr. to 4 May. WM-T3-04

[C44]  McCann, A., Metz, A., Wham, B.P., Fischer, E., & Linderman, L. (2023). "Initial sensor development and characterization for post-wildfire water recovery". Proc. SPIE (Vol. 12486, p. 1248619). Long Beach, CA.

[C43]  Westcott, J., Madabhushi, S.S.C., Dashti, S., Brito, L. Wham, B.P., Ihnotic, C., Weller, D., Hruby, J. (2022). "Development of a new servo-hydraulic earthquake actuator for the 400 g-ton Centrifuge at the University of Colorado Boulder". Proc. 10th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics (Vol. 19, pg. 166). Daejeon, Korea. ISBN 978-89-952197-7-5

[C42]  Bessette, C., Brito, L., Dashti, S., Wham, B.P., Liel, A., Westcott, J., Madabhushi, S.S.C., Kamai, R.  (2022). “Duct seal design considerations in a rigid container for dynamic centrifuge modeling of liquefiable deposits”. Proc. 10th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics (Vol. 19, pg. 233). Daejeon, Korea. ISBN 978-89-952197-7-5

[C41]  Berty, N., Wham, B.P., Ihnotic, C.R., Ramos, J.L., Rose, H.R. (2022) “Seismic Performance Classification of Hazard Resilient iPVC Pipeline Systems”. Proc., Pipelines 2022, Indianapolis, IN. (pp. 232–241). Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers. 10.1061/9780784484272.027

[C40]  Klingaman, J., Dixon, P.G., Wham, B.P., Dashti, S., Hubler, M.H. (2022). “Traffic Loading Effects on Rehabilitated Cast Iron Distribution Pipelines”. Proc., Pipelines 2022, Indianapolis, IN. (Vol. 5, pp. 313–323) Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers.

[C39]  Wham, B.P., N. Berty, N., Ihnotic, C., (2022). “Experimental Seismic Assessment of Water Distribution Pipelines: Axial Cyclic Testing”.  Proc., 12th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Salt Lake City, UT, 27 June to 1 July.

[C38]  Brito, L., Bessette, C., Dashti, S., Wham, B.P., Liel, A., Westcott, J. (2022). ”Design and Construction of a Deformation Measurement System for Dynamic Centrifuge Modeling of Layered Liquefiable Soils,” Proc., 12th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Salt Lake City, UT, 27 June to 1 July.

[C37]  Dixon, P.G., Wham, B.P., Klingaman, J., Manalo, A., Tafsirojjaman, T., Farrag, K., O’Rourke, T.D., Hubler, M.H., Dashti, S. (2022). “Development of a Testing and Analysis Framework for Validation of Rehabilitating Pipe-in-Pipe Technologies” NASTT 2022 No-Dig Show. North American Society for Trenchless Technology, Minneapolis, MN, April 10-14. WM-T1-02

[C36]  Bessette, C., Hwang, Y. W., Brito, L., Dashti, S., Wham, B.P., Liel, A., Westcott, J. (2022). “Influence of Domain Boundaries on the Response of Isolated Structures on Liquefiable Soils,” Proceedings: Geo-Congress 2022, Charlotte, NC. (pp. 297–307). Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers.

[C35]  Wham, B.P., Katzev, D.H., Ihnotic, C.R., & Ramos, J.L. (2022). "Utility-Academic Collaborative Partnership to Test, Evaluate, and Install an Innovative Seismic Pipeline Replacement Solution". In Lifelines 2022 (pp. 677–687). Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers.

[C34]  Rose, H.R., Wham, B.P., Dashti, S., & Liel, A.B. (2022). "Seismic-Resistant Pipeline Design: Parametric Study of Axial Connection Force Capacity". In Lifelines 2022 (pp. 500–514). Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers.

[C33]  Fischer, E.C., Wham, B.P., & Metz, A. (2022). "Contaminant migration from polymer pipes to drinking water under high temperature conditions". In Lifelines 2022 (pp. 666–676). Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers.

[C32]  O’Rourke, T.D., Wham, B.P., Berger, B., Argyrou, C., & Strait, J.E.  (2022). "Next Generation Hazard Resilient Infrastructure". In Lifelines 2022 (pp. 854–868). Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers.

[C31]  O’Rourke, T.D., Bureau, M.N., Berger, B.A., Wham, B.P. & Strait, J.  (2022). " Fault Rupture of Pipeline with Cured-in-Place Pipe". In Lifelines 2022 (Vol. 1, pp. 559–568). Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers.

[C30]  Hruby, J., Wham, B.P., Krobot, Z., & Semela, M. (2021). "Small Unsecured Objects Transported in a Vehicle and Their Impact on Human Head Injury– Blunt Injury Criterion Approach". Proc., BIOMECHANICS 2021.  A. Hadamus, S. Piszczatowski, M. Syczewska, & M. Błażkiewicz (Eds.), (pp. 55–70). Cham: Springer International Publishing. 10.1007/978-3-030-86297-8_6

[C29]  Banushi, G., Wham, B.P., Davis, C., & Weidlich, I. (2021). "Numerical Investigation of Pipeline Response to Longitudinal Ground Movement". Proc., 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (17WCEE). Sendai, Japan. September 13-18. 

[C28]  Hruby, J., Wham, B.P., Neuhold, I., Krobot, Z., Heralecky, P., & Valerian, A. (2021). "Uniaxial and Multiaxial Seismic Qualification Testing of Electrical Equipment for NPP’s". Proc., 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (17WCEE). Sendai, Japan. September 13-18.

[C27]  Krobot, Z., Hrubý, J., Wham, B.P., Neumann, V., Furch, J. (2021). “Experimental Analysis of Blunt Impact on Human Head Caused by a Moving Object – Injury Potential Approach”. Int. Conference on Military Technologies 2021 (ICMT 2021). Brno, Czech Republic. 8-10 June. Piscataway: IEEE. ISBN 978-1-6654-3724-0. 10.1109/ICMT52455.2021.9502778

[C26]  Wham, B.P., Anderson, D.K., & Ihnotic, C.R. (2020). "Experimental Assessment of Pipeline Connection Response to Transverse Loading".  Proc., Pipelines 2020 (pp. 405–417). Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). 10.1061/9780784483190.045.

[C25]  Wham, B.P., Ihnotic, C.R., Anderson, D.K., & Ramos, J.  (2020). "Full-scale Testing of Fused PVC Pipe for Exernally Applied Loading". Proc., NASTT 2020 No-Dig Show. Denver: North American Society for Trenchless Technology (NASTT), April 5-9. 

[C24]  Wham, B.P., Ihnotic, C.R., Balcells, D., & Anderson, D.K. (2019). "Performance Assessment of Pipeline System Seismic Response". Proceedings: JWWA/WRF/CTWWA Water System Seismic Conference. Los Angeles, CA, October 9-10.  

[C23]  Wham, B.P., Davis, C.A., & Rajah, S. (2019). "Axial Connection Force Capacity Required for Buried Pipelines Subjected to Seismic Permanent Ground Displacement". Proc., Pipelines 2019. Nashville: American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). 10.1061/9780784482483.034.

[C22]  Wham, B.P., Berger, B.A., & O’Rourke, T.D. (2019). " Experimental Performance Evaluation of Seismic-Resilient PVCO Pipeline ". Proc.,Pipelines 2019. Nashville: American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). 10.1061/9780784482506.053.

[C21]  Davis, C.A., Rajah, S., Wham, B.P., & Heubach, W.F. (2019). "Strain Demands on Buried Pipelines from Earthquake-Induced Ground Movements". Proc., Pipelines 2019. Nashville: American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). 10.1061/9780784482483.040.

[C20]  Nakazono, H., Hasegawa, N., Wham, B.P., O’Rourke, T. D. (2019). “Innovative Solution to Large Ground Displacement Using Steel Pipe for Crossing Fault.” Proc., Pipelines 2019. Nashville: American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). 10.1061/9780784482483.038.

[C19]  Wham, B.P., Berger, B.A., & Davis, C.A. (2019). "Hazard-resilient Pipeline Joint Response to Large Transverse Deformation". Proc., 2nd International Conference on Natural Hazards & Infrastructure. Chania, Greece June 23-26.

[C18]  Davis, C.A., Wham, B.P., Toshima, T., & Hara, T. (2019). "Evaluating Case Study Performance of Hybrid-Segmented Pipes to Longitudinal Permanent Ground Movement". Proc., 2nd International Conference on Natural Hazards & Infrastructure. Chania, Greece June 23-26.

[C17]  Wham, B.P., Berger, B.A., & Davis, C.A. (2019). "Characterization of soil-structure interaction for seismic design of hazard-resistant pipeline systems". Proc., 7th Int. Conf. Earthq. Geotech. Eng. Roma, Italy. June 17-20. Available.

[C16]  Berger, B.A., Wham, B.P., & O’Rourke, T.D. (2019). "Design of hazard-resilient steel pipe using numerical simulations and large-scale testing". Proc., 7th Int. Conf. Earthq. Geotech. Eng. Roma, Italy. June 17-20.Available.

[C15]  Tiznado, J.C., Dashti, S., Wham, B.P., & Ledezma, C. (2019). "Centrifuge study of the seismic response of embankments on liquefiable soils improved with dense granular columns". Proc., 7th Int. Conf. Earthq. Geotech. Eng. Roma, Italy, June 17-20. Available.

[C14]  Wham, B.P., Berger, B.A., & O’Rourke, T.D. (2019) “Hazard-resistant Steel Pipeline Response to Large Fault Rupture.” Proceedings, Geo-Congress 2019, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, March 24-27. 10.1061/9780784482100.001.   Available.

[C13] Davis, C.A. & Wham, B.P. (2018) “Buried Hybrid-Segmented Pipes Subjected to Longitudinal Permanent Ground Deformation.” Proceedings, 8th International Symposium on Earthquake Engineering for Lifelines and Critical Infrastructure Systems, Shenyang, China, October 17-19. Available.

[C12] Wham, B.P., Berger, B.A., Pariya-Ekkasut, C., O’Rourke, T.D., Stewart, H.E., Bond, T.K. (2018) “Achieving Resilient Water Networks: Experimental Performance Evaluation.” Proceedings, 11th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Los Angeles, California, June 25-29.Available.

[C11] Wham, B.P., Berger, B.A., Pariya-Ekkasut, C., O’Rourke, T.D. (2018) “Hazard-resilient Pipeline Joint Soil Structure Interaction under Large Axial Displacement.” Proceedings: 5th Conference on Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics, Austin, Texas, June 10-13. 10.1061/9780784481486.029.

[C10] Hasegawa, N., Nakazono, H., Wham, B.P., O’Rourke, T.D. (2017). “Performance Test of Steel Pipe for Crossing Fault in the United States.” Proceedings: 10th JWWA/WRF/CTWWA Water System Seismic Conference, Tainan, Taiwan, Oct. 18-20.  NCREE-17-013. Available. 

[C9]   Oda, K., Kishi, S., Miyazima, M., Pariya-Ekkasut, C., Wham, B.P., O’Rourke, T.D. (2017). “Verification of Design Method of Pipeline Crossing Fault with Earthquake Resistant Ductile Iron Pipe using Large-scale Split-box Test.” Proceedings: 10th JWWA/WRF/CTWWA Water System Seismic Conference, Tainan, Taiwan, Oct. 18-20. NCREE-17-013. Available

[C8]    Oettle, N.K., Kayen, R., Franke, K., Dashti, S., Wham, B.P., and Ramirez, J. (2017). "Observations and finite element modeling of the Aso Caldera depression zone resulting from the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake." Proceedings: 6th International Young Geotechnical Engineers' Conference (iYGEC6). Seoul, Republic of Korea, Sept. 16-17. Available.

[C7]    Wham, B.P., Pariya-Ekkasut, C., Argyrou, C., Lederman, A., O’Rourke, T. D., Stewart, H. (2017). "Experimental Characterization of Hazard-Resilient Ductile Iron Pipe Soil/Structure Interaction under Axial Displacement." Proceedings: ASCE Congress on Technical Advancement, Duluth, Minnesota, Sept. 11-13. 10.1061/9780784481028.013.

[C6]    Wham, B.P., Pariya-Ekkasut, C., Argyrou, C., Stack, M., O’Rourke, T.D., Stewart, H.E., Nakazono, H., & Hasegawa, N. (2017). “Large Axial Deformation Performance of Steel Pipeline Designed for Fault Crossings.” Proceedings, ASCE Pipelines Conference, Phoenix, Arizona, Aug. 6-9, Paper ID: 118. 10.1061/9780784480878.010.

[C5]    Kayen, R., Dashti, S., Franke, K., Oettle, N.K., Wham, B.P., Kokusho, T., Hazarika, H., Ramirez, J. (2017). “Case Histories of Geotechnical Engineering Damage from the MW 6.0, MW 6.2, and MW 7.0 Kumamoto Earthquakes.” Proceedings, 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Santiago, Chile, Jan 9-13.

[C4]    Wham, B.P., Argyrou, C., O’Rourke, T.D., Stewart, H.E., and Bond, T.K. (2015) “PVCO Pipeline Performance Under Large Ground Deformation.” Proceedings, International Pipeline Geotechnical Conference, Bogota, Columbia, Paper ID: IPG2015-8508. 10.1115/IPG2015-8508.

[C3]    Wham, B.P., Argyrou, C., Bouziou, D., O’Rourke, T.D., Stewart, H.E., and Bond, T.K. (2014) “Jointed Pipeline Response to Earthquake-Induced Ground Deformation.” Proceedings, 10th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Anchorage, Alaska, Paper ID: 202.10.4231/D3R20RX0V.

[C2]    Zhong, Z., Bouziou, D., Wham, B.P., Filiatrault, A., Aref, A., O’Rourke, T.D., and Stewart, H.E. (2014). “Performance Evaluation of Water Pipelines Retrofitted With Cured In Place Pipe Liner Technology under Transient Earthquake Motions.” Proceedings, 10th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake, Anchorage, Alaska, Paper ID: 490.

[C1]    Bouziou D., Wham B.P., O’Rourke T.D., Stewart H.E., Palmer M.C., Zhong Z., Filiatrault A., Aref A. (2012). “Earthquake Response and Rehabilitation of Critical Lifelines.”  Proceeding, 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal, September 24-28, Paper No.5111. 

Technical Reports & Other Proceedings

[R34]  Rose, H-R., Wham, B.P., Dashti, S., & Liel, A. (2023) "Axial resistance of pipelines with enlarged joints", in Geotechnical Demands for Characterizing Performance of Pipeline Systems with Enlarged Components. DesignSafe-CI. [Dataset

[R33]  Cetin, K.O., Bray, J.D., Frost, D.J., Hortacsu, A., Miranda, E., Moss, R.E., Stewart, J.P., [eds]. (2023). February 6, 2023 Türkiye Earthquakes: Report on Geoscience and Engineering Impacts. GEER/EERI. [Reconnaissance team member and chapter author]

[R32] Wham, B.P., Fischer, E., Dedinsky, K., Zdebski, J., Grilliot, M., Lyda, A., Berty, N., Kang, D.K., Klingaman, J., Metz, A., Ramos, J., Rose, H.-R., Dashti, S., Javernick-Will, A., Liel, A., & Whelton, A. (2023). "Marshall Fire Reconnaissance - 2022". Designsafe-CI. [Dataset

[R31]  Fischer, E., Wham, B.P., Dashti, S., Javernick-Will, A., Whelton, A., Berty, N., Klingaman, J., Metz, A., Ramos, J., Rose, H.-R. (2022). The 2021 Marshall Fire, Boulder County, Colorado. Geotechnical Extreme Event Reconnaissance (GEER) Association.

[R30] Berty, N., Ihnotic, C., O’Dell, K., Ramos, J.L., & Wham, B.P. (2022). Performance Assessment of iPVC Pipe and Couplings for Large Ground Movement, Boulder, CO: Center for Infrastructure, Energy, & Space Testing, University of Colorado Boulder. Available:

[R29]  Ramos, J.L., Berty, N. & Wham, B.P. (2021). Seismic Evaluation of Hazard-Resistant PVCO Pipeline and Coupling, Boulder, CO: Center for Infrastructure, Energy, & Space Testing, University of Colorado Boulder. Available:

[R28]  Wham, B.P.,  Ihnotic, C. R., Anderson, D. K., Ramos, J. L., Balcells, D. (2021) Seismic Evaluation of Hazard-Resistant Lifelines: Fusible PVC Pipe and Fittings, Boulder, CO: Center for Infrastructure, Energy, & Space Testing, University of Colorado Boulder. Available:

[R27]  O’Rourke, T.D., Strait, J.E., Mottl, N., Berger, B., Wham, B.P., Stewart, H.E., and Price, D. (2021) “Performance Evaluation of Aqua-Pipe under Earthquake-Induced Ground Deformation”, Final Report, accessed 10 June 2021.

[R26]  Ellsworth, L., Fischer, E., Linderman, L., Tilt, J., & Wham, B. (2020). "Water in Paradise: Research on Water Network and Community Vulnerabilities". Fire and Water, American Water Resources Association, 22(4), 14–15. Retrieved from

[R25]  Ramos*, J.L., Hindman, J., Lucero, B.A. & Wham, B.P. (2020). Axial Capacity of C900 PVC Pipe with Reinforced Gasketed Joints, Boulder, CO: Center for Infrastructure, Energy, & Space Testing, University of Colorado Boulder. Available: 

[R24]  Parnell*, H.L., Guerrero*, L., Lucero, B.A. & Wham, B.P. (2020). Tension Testing of Flexible Expansion Joints, Boulder, CO: Center for Infrastructure, Energy, & Space Testing, University of Colorado Boulder. Available:

[R23]  Ihnotic, C.R., Ramos, J.L., & Wham, B.P. (2019). Seismic Evaluation of Hazard-Resistant Pipelines: PVC, PVCO, and iPVC Pipe with Coupling, Boulder, CO: Center for Infrastructure, Energy, & Space Testing, University of Colorado Boulder. Available.

[R22]  Anderson, D.K. & Wham, B.P. (2019). Wire Mesh Tension Testing, Boulder, CO: Center for Infrastructure, Energy, & Space Testing, University of Colorado Boulder. Available:

[R21]  Kayen, R., Wham, B.P., Grant, A., Atsushi, M., Anderson, D., Zimmaro, P., Wang, P., Tsai, Y.T., Bachhuber, J., Madugo, C., Sun, J., Hitchcock, C., Motto, M. (2019). Seismological, Geological, and Geotechnical Engineering Aspects of the 2018 MW 6.6 Hokkaido Eastern Iburi Earthquake. Geotechnical Extreme Event Reconnaissance (GEER) Association. Available

[R20]  Price, D., Berger, B.A., O’Rourke, T.D., Stewart, H., Wham, B.P., Pariya-Ekkasut, C. (2018). Performance Evaluation of iPVC Pipe under Earthquake-Induced Ground Deformation, Ithaca, NY: Cornell University. Available

[R19]  Berger, B.A., Wham, B.P., O’Rourke, T.D., Stewart, H. (2018). Direct Tension and Cyclic Testing of JFE SPF Wave Feature, Ithaca, NY: Cornell University. Available

[R18]   Wham, B.P., Berger, B.A., O’Rourke, T.D., Pariya-Ekkasut, C., Stewart, H. (2017). Performance Evaluation of Bionax SR PVCO Pipeline with Extended Bell Joints under Earthquake-Induced Ground Deformation. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University. Available

[R17]   Wham, B.P., Dashti, S., Franke, K.W, Kayen, R., Oettle, N.K. (2017) “Water Supply Damage Caused by the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake.” Proceedings, International Workshop on the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan, Mar. 6.

[R16]   Oettle, N.K., Kayen, R.E., Franke, K.W, Dashti, S., & Wham, B.P. (2017) “Measured Response of the Oh-Kirihata Dam to Surface Fault Rupture.” Proceedings, International Workshop on the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan, Mar. 6.Available.

[R15]   Kayen, R., Kokusho, T., Hazarika, H., Dashti, S., Ramirez, J., Franke, K., Oettle, N.K., Wham, B.P. (2017). “Geotechnical Extreme-Event Reconnaissance (GEER) Mission to the 2016 Mw 6.0, Mw 6.2, and Mw 7.0 Kumamoto Japan Earthquakes.” Proceedings, International Workshop on the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan, Mar. 6.  

[R14]   Hazarika, H., Chen, G., Kokusho, T., [and 18 others, including Wham, B.P..] (2017). "Geotechnical damage due to the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake and future challenges." Proceedings: International Workshop on the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan, Mar. 6.

[R13]   Pariya-Ekkasut, C., Berger, B.A. Wham, B.P., Stewart, H.E., O’Rourke, T.D., & Bond, T.K. (2017). Four-Point Bending Testing of 6-in. (150-mm), 12-in. (300-mm), and 16-in. (400-mm)-Diameter Kubota Earthquake Resistant Ductile Iron Pipes. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University. Available.

[R12]   Kayen, R., Dashti, S., Kokusho, T., Hazarika, H., Franke, K., Oettle, N.K., Wham, B.P., Ramirez, J., Briggs, D., Guillies, S., Cheng, K., Tanoue, Y., Takematsu K., Matsumoto, D., Morinaga, T., Furuichi, H., Kitano, Y., Tajiri, M., Chaudhary, B., Nishimura, K., Chu, C. (2016). Geotechnical Aspects of the 2016 Mw 6.2, Mw 6.0, and Mw 7.0 Kumamoto Earthquakes. Geotechnical Extreme Event Reconnaissance (GEER) Association. Report Number GEER-048.

[R11]   Wham, B. P., O’Rourke, T. D., Stewart, H. E., Bond, T. K., & Pariya-Ekkasut, C. (2016). Large-Scale Testing of JFE Steel Pipe Crossing Faults: Testing of SPF Wave Feature to Resist Fault Rupture. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University. Available.

[R10]    Stewart, H. E., Pariya-Ekkasut, C., Wham, B. P., O’Rourke, T. D., Bond, T. K., & Argyrou, C. (2016). American Earthquake Joint System for Resistance to Earthquake-Induced Ground Deformation. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University. Available.

[R9]    Pariya-Ekkasut, C., Stewart, H. E., Wham, B.P., O’Rourke, T. D., & Bond, T. K. (2016). Direct Tension and Split Basin Testing of 6-in. (150-mm) Diameter Kubota Earthquake Resistant Ductile Iron Pipe. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University. Available.

[R8]    Pariya-Ekkasut, C., Stewart, H. E., Wham, B.P., O’Rourke, T. D., Argyrou, C., & Bond, T. K. (2016). Hazard Resilience Evaluation of US Pipe Ductile Iron TR-XTREMETM Joints : 4-16 in. (100-400 mm) Diameter Pipe. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University. Available.

[R7] Pariya-Ekkasut, C., Stewart, H. E., Wham, B.P., O’Rourke, T. D., Argyrou, C., & Bond, T. K. (2015). Four-Point Bending and Direct Tension Testing of Twelve Inch TR-XTREMETM Pipe Joint. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University. Available.

[R6]    Stewart, H. E., Pariya-Ekkasut, C., Wham, B.P., O’Rourke, T. D., Argyrou, C., & Bond, T. K. (2015). Hazard Resilience Testing of US Pipe Ductile Iron TR- XTREMETM Pipe Joints. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University. Available.

[R5]    Stewart, H. E., O’Rourke, T. D., Wham, B. P., Netravali, A. N., Argyrou, C., Zeng, X., & Bond, T. K. (2015). Technology Transfer Demonstrations and Post-Mortem Testing of Cast Iron and Steel Pipe Lined with Cured-in-Place Liners (CIPL). U.S.DOT/PHMSA Contract Report. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University. Available

[R4]    Stewart, H. E., O’Rourke, T. D., Wham, B. P., Netravali, A. N., Argyrou, C., Zeng, X., & Bond, T. K. (2015). Performance Testing of Field-Aged Cured-in-Place Liners (CIPL) for Cast Iron Piping. NYSEARCH/Northeast Gas Association Contract Report. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University. Available

[R3]    Stewart, H. E., Wham, B. P., O’Rourke, T. D., Bouziou, D., Argyrou, C., & Bond, T. K. (2013). Task 3 - Large-Scale Testing of Fault Rupture Effects on Bionax Pipe and Pipe Joints. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University. Available.

[R2]    Stewart, H. E., Wham, B. P., O’Rourke, T. D., & Bond, T. K. (2013). Task 2 - Four-Point Bending of Bionax Pipe and Pipe Joints. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University. Available.

[R1]    Stewart, H. E., Wham, B. P., O’Rourke, T. D., & Bond, T. K. (2013). Task 1 - Material Testing of Bionax Pipe and Joints. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University. Available.


Wham, B.P. (2016). Jointed Pipeline Response to Large Ground Movement. Doctoral dissertation, Cornell University. Available.


Rose*, H-R., Wham, B.P., Dashti, S., & Liel, A. (2023) "Axial resistance of pipelines with enlarged joints", in Geotechnical Demands for Characterizing Performance of Pipeline Systems with Enlarged Components. DesignSafe-CI.

Wham, B.P., Fischer, E., Dedinsky, K., Zdebski, J., Grilliot, M., Lyda, A., Berty*, N., Kang, D.K., Klingaman*, J., Metz, A., Ramos8, J., Rose*, H.-R., Dashti, S., Javernick-Will, A., Liel, A., & Whelton, A. (2023). "Marshall Fire Reconnaissance - 2022". Designsafe-CI.

Stewart, H. E., Argyrou C., Bouziou, D., Bond, T. K., O'Rourke, T. D., & Wham, B. P. (2013). "Cornell - Starline Lined Ductile Iron Pipe Test, Load Rate Sensitivity Test," Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (distributor), Dataset, DOI:10.4231/D3PC2T94S .

Stewart, H. E., Argyrou C., Bouziou, D., Bond, T. K., O'Rourke, T. D., & Wham, B. P. (2013). "Cornell - Starline Lined Ductile Iron Pipe Test, Pipe Centered," Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (distributor), Dataset, DOI:10.4231/D32F7JR9Q.

Stewart, H. E., Argyrou C., Bouziou, D., Bond, T. K., O'Rourke, T. D., & Wham, B. P. (2013). "Cornell - Starline Lined Ductile Iron Pipe Test, Joint Centered, Unpressurized," Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (distributor), Dataset, DOI:10.4231/D3639K61N.

Stewart, H. E., Argyrou C., Bouziou, D., Bond, T. K., O'Rourke, T. D., & Wham, B. P. (2013). "Cornell - Starline Lined Ductile Iron Pipe Test, Joint Centered, Pressurized," Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (distributor), Dataset, DOI:10.4231/D3T14TQ4Q.

Stewart, H. E., Argyrou C., Bouziou, D., Bond, T. K., O'Rourke, T. D., & Wham, B. P. (2012). "Cornell - Axial Push Tests on Unlined Ductile Iron Pipe," Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (distributor), Dataset, DOI:10.4231/D3DV1CP5S.

Stewart, H. E., Argyrou C., Bouziou, D., Bond, T. K., O'Rourke, T. D., & Wham, B. P. (2012). "Cornell - Unlined Pressurized Ductile Iron Test with Soil," Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (distributor), Dataset, DOI:10.4231/D3930NW1Z.

Stewart, H. E., Argyrou C., Bouziou, D., Bond, T. K., O'Rourke, T. D., & Wham, B. P. (2012). "Cornell - IMain Lined Ductile Iron Pipe Test, Pipe Centered," Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (distributor), Dataset, DOI:10.4231/D3XP6V44R.

Stewart, H. E., Argyrou C., Bouziou, D., Bond, T. K., O'Rourke, T. D., & Wham, B. P. (2012). "Cornell - IMain Lined Ductile Iron Pipe Test, Joint Centered," Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (distributor), Dataset, DOI:10.4231/D3SX64B00.

Stewart, H. E., Argyrou C., Bouziou, D., Bond, T. K., O'Rourke, T. D., & Wham, B. P. (2012). "Cornell - IMain Lined Ductile Iron Pipe Test, Load Rate Sensitivity Test," Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (distributor), Dataset, DOI:10.4231/D3JM23H01.

Stewart, H. E., Argyrou C., Bouziou, D., Bond, T. K., O'Rourke, T. D., & Wham, B. P. (2012). "Cornell - Axial Push Tests on Unlined Ductile Iron Pipe", Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (distributor), Dataset, DOI:10.4231/D3DV1CP5S